AKB48 Community Posts - 42 AKB48 members have joined AKB48 community, so let's say hello to everyone using the hashtag #HELLO_AKB48! You are welcome to join the event until October 1st!

Sep 21, 2023

42 AKB48 members have joined AKB48 community, so let's say hello to everyone using the hashtag #HELLO_AKB48! You are welcome to join the event until October 1st!

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">7月28日(金)21:00より、AKB48公式YouTubeチャンネルおよびWeverse「AKB48コミュニティ」にて「AKB48 新選抜メンバー発表!現場から生配信スペシャル」と題し、緊急生配信を行うことが決定いたしました! <font s...Hello, everyone! 🎉 AKB48 Weverse community is now open!🎉 AKB48 hopes to connect with their fans around the globe and communicate closer on Weverse!💞 We're excited to make memories and have a great ...