Post de la Comunidad Alexander 23 - might have just made the best song ever: - Alexander 23

Oct 1, 2021

might have just made the best song ever:

Foto cargada.hi! going to send a clip of a new song to someone who comments on this instagram. good luck❤️🤠😬🐛! WHATS UPLIVE ON INSTAGRAM RIGHT NOWGOING LIVE ON INSTAGRAM IN LIKE 20 MINS COME HANG!!! @ALEXANDER23HI HOW ARE YOU GUYS❤️💔25k presaves and ill finish this song!! ur fav song on this playlist?? make sure to follow me on spotify to get new music❤️ cargada.HI COMMENT ON THIS INSTAGRAM POST WHERE ELSE I SHOULD COME ON TOUR AND I WILL!! ❤️❤️ love indian food💔❤️HOW ARE YOU? ❤️🧡💜💙💚GOING LIVE ON MY INSTAGRAM NOW. COME SAY HI! @alexander23album 1FILL THIS OUT TO LET ME KNOW WHERE I SHOULD GO ON TOUR NEXT! FIRST EVER HEADLINE TOUR IS OFFICIALLY HAPPENING AND YOU CAN GET TICKETS NOW USING CODE: TOUR23 GO GET EM BEFORE THEY ARE GONE ❤️GOING LIVE ON INSTAGRAM NOW. COME HANG!! @alexander23supMAKING MUSIChi miss uI HAVE A SNAPCHAT FILTER FOR MY SONG "CRY OVER BOYS". GIVE IT A TRY HERE: CONCERT ON MY INSTAGRAM RIGHT NOW @alexander23 !!!hi ❤️Video cargado.send me new music to listen to plz! ❤️MAKING NEW MUSICFoto cargada.gonna go live on my IG now for a little and then have a surprise after. follow me @alexander23❤️writing new music ❤️arent u tired of getting hurt?i miss yalleating kimchi rnWHATS UPTHE CONCERT IS FREE!! SIGN UP HERE: A VIRTUAL CONCERT NEXT WEEK!!!!! YOU CAN SIGN UP HERE: should i get for lunch?supHI I LOVE SEEING ALL THE FAN PAGES YOU GUYS HAVE MADE ON INSTAGRAM. TAG ME IN ALL YOUR POSTS @ALEXANDER23 ❤️hi❤️THIS IS SO FUN YOU GUYS ARE HILARIOUS. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @ALEXANDER23 AND I AM GOING TO TRY TO MESSAGE AS MANY OF YOU BACK AS I CAN!!FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM @ALEXANDER23 ! GONNA SURPRISE DM A FEW OF MY NEW FOLLOWERS ❤️"sad" ❤️💔"brainstorm" ❤️working on music right now, hope everyone is doing okay❤️