Alexander 23コミュニティの投稿 - 💔 - Alexander 23

2021 年 7 月 12 日


❤️HOW ARE YOU? ❤️🧡💜💙💚GOING LIVE ON MY INSTAGRAM NOW. COME SAY HI! @alexander23album 1FILL THIS OUT TO LET ME KNOW WHERE I SHOULD GO ON TOUR NEXT! FIRST EVER HEADLINE TOUR IS OFFICIALLY HAPPENING AND YOU CAN GET TICKETS NOW USING CODE: TOUR23 GO GET EM BEFORE THEY ARE GONE ❤️GOING LIVE ON INSTAGRAM NOW. COME HANG!! @alexander23supMAKING MUSIChi miss uI HAVE A SNAPCHAT FILTER FOR MY SONG "CRY OVER BOYS". GIVE IT A TRY HERE: CONCERT ON MY INSTAGRAM RIGHT NOW @alexander23 !!!hi ❤️動画をアップロードしました。send me new music to listen to plz! ❤️MAKING NEW MUSIC画像をアップロードしました。gonna go live on my IG now for a little and then have a surprise after. follow me @alexander23❤️writing new music ❤️arent u tired of getting hurt?i miss yalleating kimchi rnWHATS UPTHE CONCERT IS FREE!! SIGN UP HERE: A VIRTUAL CONCERT NEXT WEEK!!!!! YOU CAN SIGN UP HERE: should i get for lunch?supHI I LOVE SEEING ALL THE FAN PAGES YOU GUYS HAVE MADE ON INSTAGRAM. TAG ME IN ALL YOUR POSTS @ALEXANDER23 ❤️hi❤️THIS IS SO FUN YOU GUYS ARE HILARIOUS. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @ALEXANDER23 AND I AM GOING TO TRY TO MESSAGE AS MANY OF YOU BACK AS I CAN!!FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM @ALEXANDER23 ! GONNA SURPRISE DM A FEW OF MY NEW FOLLOWERS ❤️"sad" ❤️💔"brainstorm" ❤️working on music right now, hope everyone is doing okay❤️my song "cry over boys" is 133 on the spotify chart in the philippines!!!! thank you ❤️💙this is my song "cry over boys" ❤️💔i wanna learn even more about kpop! send me songs to listen to ❤️what song should i cover next??hii ❤️画像をアップロードしました。TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR DAYWHATS UP I MISS U GUYShi!!!! how ru guys? ❤️HELLO SENDING LOVEwhats ur fav song on the new EP???MY EP "OH NO, NOT AGAIN!" IS OUT IN ASIA AND AUSTRALIA!!! STREAM IT AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINKi cant wait to come to asia❤️❤️💔