Alexander 23コミュニティの投稿 - Vocal king 👑 Did you miss Alexander's jam session and guitar lesson? Rewatch his live now.
2024 年 3 月 22 日
Vocal king 👑 Did you miss Alexander's jam session and guitar lesson? Rewatch his live now.

Please note that today's live orignially scheduled for 5pm PST has now been moved to today at 6pm PST. We are looking forward to fans hearing from Alexander23!Are you ready?? Alexander23 is coming to Asia! More details on ticketing-> Valentine's Day! ON MY MIND FT. CORY WANG IS OUT NOW! has been your favorite moment from the Asia tour? 🎤 Let's rewind by watching the vlogs!✨NEW MUSIC ALERT✨ "I Wanna Live Forever" - Alexander 23 Listen now🎶⭐WEVERSE LIVE ALERT⭐ STARRING: Alexander 23🖤 WHEN 🕒 USA WEST COAST / PST: Sunday, January 29th, around 7 PM 🕗 KOREA / KST: Monday, January 30th, around 12 PM * Time subject to change depending on c...🎄AIN'T CHRISTMAS - Alexander 23 - Laufey🎄 it ain't christmas without a christmas themed a23 song that makes us cry🥺 Check it out now🖤"ill" is finally here🖤 check it out now!!"If We Were A Party" LIVE PERFORMANCE VIDEO Watch now 🖤💘NEW SONG & MV💘 CHECK IT OUT NOW #IfWeWereAParty💘NEW SONG & MV💘 CHECK IT OUT NOW #SomebodysNobodyDID YOU FEEL IT?#TheHardestPart "I'm hopeful that we can heal and grow within the comfort of knowing that while our experiences are unique to us, our feelings aren't. I hope you never relate to this song, but I unfor...🥳HAPPY 2️⃣3️⃣RD @ ALEXANDER WEVERSE FAM🥳 (It may or may not be the 23rd in your timezone ... 🌎 but SOMEWHERE in the world... it IS the 23rd... so we will CELEBRATE!!!😇) ✏️HOW TO CELEBRATE #HAPPY2...#CRASH_LIVE "CRASH" LIVE PERFORMANCE VIDEO IS OUT Check it out right now 🖤💔Alexander 23 - Crash💔 📰BREAKING NEWS: It was NOT an April Fools' joke..... ALEXANDER ACTUALLY TOLD US THE TRUTH!!!😭👏😭👏 "Crash" is here and it's GLORIOUS Like any classic A23 bop, it's chock-fu...🕛 FRIDAY APRIL 1 🕛 NEW SINGLE Get ready for 'CRASH'💔 #CRASH_IS_COMING🥳HAPPY 2️⃣3️⃣RD @ ALEXANDER WEVERSE FAM🥳 (It may or may not be the 23rd in your timezone ... 🌎 but SOMEWHERE in the world... it IS the 23rd... so we will CELEBRATE!!!😇) ✏️HOW TO CELEBRATE #HAPPY2...💖ALEXANDER APPRECIATION HOURS💖 This week's theme is ... ✨~Alexander's long luscious locks~✨ As we all know ... Alexander's been growing his hair out👀 Aaaand it's looking amazing!!👏👏 Whether it'...LIVE PIANO PERFORMANCE🎹🎤 "Hate Me If It Helps" Oh my goodness..... How can one human being be so talented??? Beautiful piano playing on top of that beautiful voice... This video is giving us chills...💗HAPPY 1-YEAR WEVERSARY💗 Dear beautiful humans of the A23 Weverse, Congratulations on 1 wonderful year with Weverse!!! So much love for everyone in this Weverse family🥰 We can't wait to see what th...Alexander 23 - Hate Me If It Helps THE WAIT IS OVER.⏰ The new single "Hate Me If It Helps" is out!! And it's a BOP!!!! Why yes Alexander, we DO hate you...... hate you for making us love you so hard...Alexander 23 - Dirty AF1s In anticipation of Alexander's upcoming new music👀 (WE'RE PATIENTLY WAITING ALEXANDER!!!💖) Let's keep going through his incredible discography! This week's bop: a true A2...Alexander 23 - Brainstorm🌧️ "How bad's the weather in your head? Wish you could stay with me instead"☔ Another oldie but goodie Alexander song💟 Check out "Brainstorm" from the iconic Oh No, Not Agai...🎉JANUARY 2️⃣3️⃣ - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXANDER🎉 We hope your day will be as lovely as you🥰 @ A23 Weverse fam! Let's send our Best Boy Alexander ✨happy birthday wishes✨ by sharing what we 💖 about him w...Alexander 23 - Girl "Girl, tell me all of your secrets from the darkest to the deepest.."🤫 A ✨certified bop✨ from the very first bars! If you haven't yet - make sure to listen to Alexander's oldie b...LIVE FROM WEBSTER HALL NYC "High School" - Alexander 23🎸 In case you missed this masterpiece of a performance😉 Sharing the video featuring Alexander's live rendition of "High School"! (Those riffs....🎉HAPPY NEW YEAR🎉 Hello beautiful humans of the Alexander 23 Weverse😉 We wrote a poem for y'all to celebrate the new year.. Hearts are red💓💓 The ocean is blue🌊 We can't wait to hang out with Alex...🎉2021 WEVERSE WRAP-UP🎉 ⭐Alexander 23⭐ Sharing our Top 3 favorite 2021 Alexander 23 Weverse moments💗 3. When he uploaded the iconic beauty sleep "BRIDESMAID" sleep mask selfie🤣 2. Every time he sh...Pssst...A23 Weverse! Did you know...we're approaching that time of year again??🎄 That time of year..where we have "Ain't Christmas" by Alexander 23 on repeat😭😭😭 Let's grab our tissues and listen...💓A23 APPRECIATION HOURS💓 💐Flowers for Alexander💐 Hello lovely people of the A23 Weverse! We're sure everyone's heard that Alexander's recent North American tour has come to a very successful end...To_Artist機能の使い方 もしかしたらTo_Artistのハッシュタグをつけて書いた 自分の投稿がFeedで見つからず、驚いた経験がある方はいらっしゃいませんか? To_Artist のハッシュタグをつけて投稿を作成すると、 その投稿はアーティストに送るお手紙となります。 * To_Artist投稿の書き方🖊 1. 投稿作成時に To_Artist のハッシュタグをつけて投稿すると、ア...Dear A23 Weverse family, What's your favorite A23 song??😍 Just to name a few.. IDK You Yet, Cry Over Boys, Dirty AF1s, Come Here and Leave Me Alone.. Alexander's been gracing us with masterpiece aft...Hello lovely members of the A23 Weverse!😘 The time has come...⏰ We need a fandom name!! What should we call ourselves?? Share your funniest, cutest, most A23-worthy ideas💓 with the hashtag #A23Wever...💖Hey A23 lovers!💖 In anticipation of Alexander's upcoming North American tour 👀 we have a Just For Fun question: What's your personal ✨dream✨ A23 concert setlist? Of course, we wish Alexander could...皆さんの一番好きな💕Alexander 23💕のGIF画像を #MYFAVGIF_A23 のハッシュタグをつけて投稿してください!🎥📝WEVERSE POP QUIZ📝 Hello to the lovely A23 Weverse family! Since everyone got incredibly high scores😘 on the last Weverse Quiz, we've returned with ... A23 Quiz Part 2!✏️ For any new test-takers, ...Hello Alexander 23 lovers💖 We have a Very Important Question: What song(s)🎵 do you wish Alexander 23 would cover?? Of course, with Alexander's beautiful voice, he could sing the phonebook and it'd ...'how can you miss someone you’ve never met cause I need you now but I don’t know you yet' Oh Alexander... how did you write such a beautiful, relatable song?😭💘 For everyone feeling a little lonely o...Hello lovely people in the Alexander 23 Weverse!😍 Introducing ... the A23 Caption Challenge!! Step 1: Find a beautiful photo of Alexander (easy peasy😘) Step 2: Come up with a ✨fun✨ caption Step 3: S...📝WEVERSE POP QUIZ📝 Hey A23 Weverse fam😎 Are you ready for the Weverse Pop Quiz?! Don't worry ... we have a feeling that everyone will pass with flying colors😜 (If only studying for school could b...Whether it's fall🍂, winter❄️, spring🌷, or summer🌞 it's always nice to get comforted by our favourite artists💝 Bringing back the beautiful collaboration "Nothing's The Same" between real-life bes...✨ALEXANDER APPRECIATION POST✨ CONGRATULATIONS🎉🎉🎉 for hitting #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 Producers chart! Send him your love and congratulations💖 with the hashtag #Congrats_Alexander🥰「君にまた会えて嬉しいよ...」 別れた恋人と偶然再会したら 何と言いますか?🧐 あの頃と変わらない姿のままの 元恋人に出会うことになると!😳 再会が嬉しくないのに 嬉しいと嘘をつく歌詞と📝 その苦い歌詞とは裏腹の軽快なメロディーの 「アイロニーな恋の歌」💘 Alexander 23の <Good To See You Again >をお聴き逃しなく🎧「恋愛に傷つき、疲れきってるでしょう」 「恋愛で傷つくのもったいないよ」 幸せになれない恋愛から抜け出せない人を 慰めるために作ったというAlexander 23の曲、 Cry Over Boys🎧 静まりかえった夜におすすめの Cry Over Boysを聴いた感想を #cryoverboys のハッシュタグをつけて書いてください📝「君にそばにいてほしいけど,一人になりたい気持ちもある」 (Come here and Leave Me Alone) ホット🔥アイス🧊コーヒーのような 私たちの気持ち 一人になりたいけど寂しいのは嫌!🤔 という気持ち、分かりますよね?👉👈 その気持ちを歌った曲💕 Alexander 23の「Come Here and Leave Me Alone」 をお聴き逃しなく🎵 #ohnon...🔔ピンポーン🔔 感性豊かな才能あふれる シンガー・ソングライターの Alexander 23をご紹介します💖 彼の曲を聴いた方は、 誰もがアーティストの素晴らしさに気づくと思います🤗 ドラマやバラエティー番組の背景音楽として使用されている曲や コーヒーショップから流れている曲を聴いて 曲名を探したという方々が たくさんいらっしゃいます😣😵 そんな方々のために用意した 季節ごとのPLAY...