Hello from BTS Weverse. BTS Weverse releases <In the SOOP BTS ver. Season2 > paid content. It will be released on Fri. October 15, 2021, at 10pm (KST), and it will be available for pre-order starting from Thu. September 23, 2021, at 11am (KST) on Weverse Shop only. Please read down below for further information regarding your content use. [In the SOOP BTS ver. Season2 user guide] *Pre-order guide (KST) In the SOOP BTS ver. Season2 pre-order will be available twice: 1st (early bird pre-order) and 2nd (regular pre-order). Please note that special gifts are different among the two. -1st (early bird special gift) : Thu. September 23, 2021, 11am ~ Tue. October 5, 2021, 11:59:59pm -2nd (general special gift) : Wed. October 6, 2021, 0:00am~ Fri. October 15, 2021, 9:59:59pm -Where to buy: On Weverse Shop ※ You can still buy the content on Weverse, and Weverse Shop after the pre-order ends. - Subtitles: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese * Release Schedule (KST) - On Weverse: Fri. October 15, 2021 ~ Sat. November 20, 2021 ( Original + Behind + Official photo) > Original : Fri. October 15, 2021 ~ Fri. November 12, 2021. at 10pm (KST). Approx 70 minutes, 5 episodes. > Behind : Fri. November 19, 2021, at 10pm (KST). Approx 10 minutes, 6 episodes > Official photo: Sat. October 16, 2021 ~ Sat. November 20, at 2pm(KST) every Saturday (6 times, approx. 90 pictures.) ※ The playback time and the number of official photos (paid photo) may vary. ※ VOD may include video footage that is not aired on TV. ※ Some release schedules are subject to change. - TV airing schedule : on JTBC (Korea) channel, Fri. October 15, 2021, at 9pm ※ Some schedules are subject to change. *How to watch the video content -Weverse: Run the app → BTS community → Media tab → In the SOOP category → click In the SOOP BTS ver. Season 2 content - This content can be seen on your mobile devices, PC WEB (https://weverse.io) and smart TV App (Those which provides Weverse TV App). *Resolution: You can choose between [720p HD] , [1080p FHD] on your media play window. [ In the SOOP BTS ver. Season 2 VOD purchaser special gift application] * Period: Thu. September 23, 2021, 11am~ Fri. October 15, 2021, 9:59:59pm (KST) <1st Early bird special gift> -Eligibility: Those who purchase the VOD between Thu. September 23, 2021, 11am ~ Tue. October 5, 2021, 11:59:59pm (KST) - Gifts: transparent photocard set per member (7 kinds), 1 photocard set per member (7 kinds) + PVC material group photocard (1 kind). -Shipping: From Thu. November 18, 2021 (international shipping available.) <2nd regular special gift> -Eligibility: Those who purchase the VOD between October 6, 2021, 00am (KST) ~ Fri. October 15, 2021, 9:59:59pm (KST) -Shipping: From Thu. November 18, 2021 (international shipping available.) *Who can apply for the special gift? - Those who purchased ‘ In the SOOP BTS ver. Season 2 VOD’ during the pre-order period AND those who paid for the shipping fee. [Please note when ordering the special gift] 1)You can apply for a maximum 1 per one account. 2)In the SOOP BTS ver. Season 2 VOD special gifts are provided to those who pre-order the VOD on Weverse Shop AND who paid for the shipping fee. 3)You can cancel your special gift order by Fri. October 15, 2021, 9:59:59pm, and you can cancel your In the SOOP BTS ver. Season 2 VOD purchase after canceling the special gift order. 4) Please note that you cannot cancel your special gift order once the shipping starts. 5) Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, shipping to some countries and regions may be unavailable. For further details, please refer to the Weverse Shop announcement. [VOD purchase and refund] 1) You can make a payment only with the payment method that Weverse and Weverse Shop support. 2) You can make a refund within seven days of your purchase if you haven’t seen the content. Go to Customer Service. Weverse: More → Settings → Customer Service → leave a request Weverse Shop: More → Customer Service → leave a one-on-one request 3) If you have purchased the content on Weverse Apple iOS, the refund is unavailable due to the Apple Appstore policy. Please go to https://support.apple.com/ko-kr/HT204084 for further information. [Please Note] 1) Illegal distribution of content, piracy, and unauthorized processing of the content amount to infringement of copyright. 2) Please test your device with a teaser video before you make a purchase. 3) If you are not connected to a Wi-Fi network, it may be counted towards your data plan. 4) Paid content can be played on either PC or on a mobile device. The content can be played on one Smart TV and on either PC or on a mobile device simultaneously. The content can be played on only one Smart TV regardless of the manufacturer. 5) Please note that your purchased content cannot be redeemed when you withdraw from Weverse. If you have further questions, please contact Customer Service (Weverse or Weverse Shop). Thank you.