fromis_9 Weverse LIVE - fromis_9

May 6, 2021

You're here? My ceramics😘🎂🐻Chatting On Rainy Days🌧📢 Urgent Meeting! Gather!🌫Jiwon's Birthday🎉🎂0319Friday🌙🌸Tuesday Nigh 🐻🌙White Day 🍭❤Been A While!😘🌝End of the weekdays🗣Who wants to play with me>_< Happy! Valentine's Day🍫❤Hi👋It's Snowing ⛄🥀Seoyeon's Birthday🎂🎉It's raining!Actually...🐿🌙1/11, 11:11🕚Today is Saerom's White Birthday 🎂Happy new year 🎉Gyu-Ismas! 🍊🎅🎅🎅🎅Come and Hear!!Who wants to play with me✋나랑 놀아 줄 사람✋🍋Yellows Are Bored🍋😂Sometimes, an odd time is nice😜Before Sleeping in the Dorm 😗Today's Birthday Girl✋👀Are You... in Your Right Mind...?I'm bored🐿Haennyo😘For a Thousand Days~~~~~~🕺🏻🎉999DAY Came at 9 to Play☘️flover That Are Sad That the Promise Edition Is Over💕하빵데이🎂🎉First Week of Feel Good Is Over💕Very "Feel Good" D-1🎶I'm Back!!!Let's eat together🍊It's me🙌🏻Hi