[NOTICE] Update Notice on Legal Proceedings Against Violation of Artist Rights (6.28)

Hello. This is PLEDIS Entertainment. We regularly take legal action against authors of malicious posts (comments, messages and weverse DMs included) about fromis_9 for offenses such as defamation, personal attacks, sexual harassment, the spread of false information, and ill-intentioned criticism. We would like to give an update on our progress. We are collecting evidence of malicious posts directed at the artist in real-time and filing complaints against them. Our most recent legal action targeted several individuals who maliciously published inappropriate posts and comments mocking and insulting the artist's hometown and appearance, and causing sexual humiliation or disgust. Additionally, we have filed a complaint against a website that we continuously monitor, where sexually harassing posts about the artists are posted frequently. As a result of our continual legal response, a large number of malicious actors have been identified and are currently being investigated by the police. In some cases where the investigation was completed, fines have been imposed. The defendants named in our complaint will not be free from legal sanctions and we will endeavor to make sure that they are punished appropriately. Our policy of no leniency and no settlement under any circumstances remains unchanged. We will continue to be vigilant in our monitoring and evidence-collecting processes to hold authors of malicious posts accountable to the fullest extent of the law to protect the rights of our artists regardless of how long it may take. PLEDIS Entertainment is committed to regularly collecting and reporting malicious posts about fromis_9 and taking legal action. We ask for your continued interest. Please do not hesitate to report to PLEDIS Entertainment’s official legal response hotline by e-mail at protect@pledis.co.kr We deeply appreciate your unwavering love and support for fromis_9. PLEDIS Entertainment will continue to work to ensure that the rights of our artists are fully protected. Thank you.