[EVENT] Winner Announcement of <My Summer> Coloring Event (+KOR/ENG)

Hello. This is HWANG MIN HYUN’s Weverse. We thank all the Hwangdo who participated in the <My Summer> coloring event. To show our appreciation to Hwangdo, who happily participated in the coloring event, we have picked 5 additional winners. Congratulations to the winners! Please send an e-mail using the format below by 4 PM, Monday, November 14, 2022 (KST). [Coloring Event Winners] [E-mail Address] hwangminhyun_weverse@pledis.co.kr [E-mail Format] * Title : [EVENT] <My Summer> Coloring Event * Body 1. HWANG MIN HYUN Weverse nickname: 2. Name: 3. Phone Number 4. Address (Zip code): 5. Shipping Note(s): 6. Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information: Yes ( ) / No ( ) ※ Precautions - Please precisely fill in the information according to the email format. - For identity verification, please send the email with the email account that you used to sign up for HWANG MIN HYUN Weverse. - Please write South Korean addresses in Korean. Addresses outside of Korea must be submitted in English. Please note that re-shipping is unavailable if errors are found in the submitted shipping information. - The win will become invalid if you do not reply by the provided date. - Personal information is collected in order to send the prize. The collected personal information will only be used for prize shipping purposes. - If you do not agree to the collection and use of personal information, this will be assumed as your intention of refusal, and you will not be able to receive the prize. ※ The event prizes will be shipped out within a month after the collection of personal information. However, in the case of overseas shipping, this is subject to delay depending on the regional situation. <Information on Collection, Use, and Provision of Personal Information> I consent to the collection and provision of my personal information as follows. * Personal Information Recipient: PLEDIS Entertainment, Weverse Company * Purpose of Using Personal Information: To verify the winner’s identity and ship the gift * Personal Information Items Provided: Nickname, e-mail address, name, phone number, address * Information Retention and Usage Period: Discarded within 7 days after the prize shipping is completed - Due to COVID-19, the number of countries and regions where overseas shipping is delayed or not allowed is increasing. Therefore, please note that shipping may not be possible to some countries or regions, and shipping may be delayed. Thank you in advance for your generous consideration. We will send an additional email to winners residing in regions where shipping may not currently be possible. Thank you.