Service Operation Policy

This Operation Policy (this “Policy”) defines the standards for the Weverse Service (the ‘Service’) provided by WEVERSE COMPANY Inc. (the ‘Company’) and detailed rules that must be followed by our users (the “Members”) in order to respond to any issues that may arise in the course of operating the Service in a consistent manner. We encourage you to read this Policy carefully to avoid any difficulties (or conflict) that could arise from non-compliance with this Policy.

Article 1 (Rights and Obligations of Members)

1. Member Rights

Members may request and provide suggestions including inquiring about use and Service to the Company via e-mail.
- [e-mail]:

  1. a. The Company shall not intervene or take action in connection with any disputes arising between Members or any damages incurred due to negligence by Members. However, if you have suffered any damages due to breach of the Operation Policy by another customer during your use of the Services, you may report such breach to the Company and request that appropriate action is taken according to the Operation Policy. In such a case, the Company shall review your report and take appropriate measures pursuant to the Operation Policy.
  2. b. If you are not satisfied with the actions taken in accordance with the Operation Policy, you may voice your objection at any time through online or email inquiries.
2. Obligations of Members

Members shall not engage in any activities that are, within use of Service, in breach of relevant laws and regulations and activities that interfere with Service system and normal use of the Service by other Members.

Any Members that engage in activities that are covered below may be restricted temporarily or permanently from using the Service without any prior notice. If you find that the content of other Members is in violation of our Service Operation Policy or that interferes with your use of the Service, please use the content reporting function.

Article 2 (Restrictions on Use of the Service)

1. Activities and illegal activities that are subject to restrictions on use:
  • a. Promoting illegal gambling websites;
  • b. Selling or promoting illegal products or products that are banned from sale on the Internet;
  • c. Posting content that contains any information that motivates or assists illegal activities;
  • d. Posting content that contains programs with viruses or other malicious codes, which may hinder the use of the Service by others or attempting to steal personal data;
  • e. Sharing works of other people including broadcasts, music records, movies and animated films without the consent of authors;
  • f. Providing information on how to acquire works of others by unlawful means (e.g. free downloads and sharing);
  • g. Infringing on other people’s rights including trademark rights and design rights;
  • h. Using content posted by other people (in whole or in part) including photos and images without permission;
  • i. Posting content that includes personal data of others; and
  • j. Registering or using the Service by stealing someone else’s personal data, account, or device.
2. Activities that are obscene, harmful to juveniles:
  • a. Posting content that contains nudity or depict obscene behavior;
  • b. Posting content that pertains to prostitution;
  • c. Posting content that may sexually humiliate or offend others; and
  • d. Posting photographs or contents that are disgusting and frowned upon by general public (example: human corpse / animal carcass, or damaged human or animal body, urination / excretion / murder / suicide scene, etc.).
3. Discriminatory/ Conflict-Promoting Activities:
  • a. Posting content that discriminates against or promotes prejudice against gender, religion, disability, age, social status, race, region, occupation, etc.
4. Spam/Advertisements/Promotions:
  • a. Posting abnormal content such as repetition of a specific work or phrase on a Service or on Services;
  • b. Engaging in promotional activities on others’ posts without permission, sending friend requests or liking posts to attract visits or likes;
  • c. Registering or using the Service for commercial gain, promotional or advertising purposes; and
  • d. Registering or using the Service for malicious purposes such as taking advantage of systematic weakness.
5. Account trade / transfer / proxy / exchange activities:
  • a. Selling, transferring, or lending accounts or content within the account to someone else, or allowing other to use your account;
  • b. Attempting to exchange, purchase or transfer accounts and their content, or aiding and abetting others to engage in such activities; and
  • c. Deceiving others by accessing and stealing contents from other people’s accounts.
6. Activities prohibited by the Service:
  • a. Registering/unregistering of the Service, creating multiple accounts or similar repetitive activity that may not be viewed as normal service use;
  • b. Causing harm or confusion to other Members by deceiving other Members by impersonating a company employee or an administrator of the Service or deriving benefit;
  • c. Using any language that is generally considered profane such as swear words, vulgar words or slang expressions; and
  • d. Uploading a post that is deemed to be false among postings written in the form of articles by impersonating or illegally using the name or the position of a news agency.
7. Other Restricted Activities:
  • a. When Members confirm their unwillingness to use the service and unregister from the service.

Article 3 (Types of Restrictions on Use of the Service)

1. Restrictions on Content

The administrator shall hide content from other Members.

2. Restrictions on the Service

Members shall be temporarily or permanently suspended from using the Service.

3. Restrictions on Member Accounts

The accounts of Members shall be restricted temporarily or permanently from using all of the Service.

4. Registration restrictions

Members may be restricted from re-registering for some services for a certain period of time.

Restrictions on use are phased out from a temporary restriction to a permanent restriction depending on the cumulative amount of breaching activities. Members who engage in activities that are not covered above, but which may hinder the Company from providing sound service may be restricted from using the Service pursuant to the Terms of Service of the Company.
However, illegal activities prohibited by applicable laws such as publishing / dissemination of obscene content and promotion of gambling may be permanently restricted at any time regardless of the cumulative amount of violation activity.
You may dissent to such restrictions at any time via online and email inquiries.

Limitations of Liability and Legal Notices

Article 1 (Limitation of Liability)

WEVERSE COMPANY Inc. (the ‘Company’) does not make any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or appropriateness of all content provided by Weverse Service, including images, links, advertisements, posts and comments from Members (the ‘Service Content’ or “Content” in accordance with the Terms of Service provided by the Company), nor does it make any warranty as to the quality of third party products or other information purchased or acquired as a result of advertisements, other information or suggestions through the Service.
You acknowledge that you use the Service and the Service Content at your own risk. Accordingly, the Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages with respect to the use of your Service and Service Content.
The Company shall have no obligation to modify the contents of the Service and the Service Content. However, the Company may, at its discretion, improve the Service as needed.

Article 2 (Legal Notices)

You may not download or extract the Service Content in any way other than viewing the Service Content within the Service as permitted by the Service and may not transmit or post the Service Content without the consent of the Company.
You may not access system that provide the Service or Service Content of the Company in a manner not authorized by the Company, and access by mechanical means by using programs, or third party account information is strictly prohibited.
You shall not use any information and rights relating to the Service, in particular, any related works and trademarks of the Service, without the permission of the Company, and you shall not misrepresent that you are the right holder of the Service and the Service Content.
Without the consent of a subject of information, you may not disclose, redistribute, or transmit any information acquired in the process of viewing the Service and the Service Content, including personal data about the Company or any third party.
You must be aware of and comply with the above restrictions, and you acknowledge and agree that you may be subject to civil and/or criminal liabilities for any breach thereof.
If you do not agree to the above limitations of liability and legal notices, you may not use the Service, and in such cases, please immediately stop using the Service.