Jeremy Zucker Community Post - miss u all <3 (working on new music) - Jeremy Zucker

May 24, 2023

miss u all <3 (working on new music)

“OK” OUT NOWthe beginning of something very exciting. “OK” out this friday ☆彡 my unreleased song on discord <3 join us if u haven’t already !!if u guys are interested in merch in ur country, fill out this form for me 🤍ok? oksee you in june 🌸 can’t wait to come backmiss u guys so much 💞some of my fav stills / easter eggs from the internet crush MV. lately i've been feeling a shift in my art towards something a bit more personal. i somehow wrote and produced the song, directed and ed...happy v day, here’s something to keep you company today 🤍 ‘internet crush’ music video out now internet crush music video coming out 2/14 at 11am ET :)) my official discord to get exclusive content and to chat with meeeee 💞thank u for listening to “internet crush” 💞“internet crush” is out everywhere now <3 thanks everyone for being so patient with me. cant wait for you to see all of the things i've been working on ❤️❤️❤️❤️the truth is, i’m putting out music very soon. i didn’t wanna be cryptic or a tease about it. just wanted to tell u guys straight up. u better blow up my shithappy new year yall. gonna be a big one 🫶happy holidays I love u guys <3hi miss u guys 🫶💓💓💓simply one of the best moments of all time. i love u koreashould i do a weverse live sooooongoing nowhere fastam i going to see anyone at a show this week 🫶manila! i can’t wait to see you in a few days :’) what should i do when i’m thereeeeaus has been so amazing the last few days !! can’t wait to go to nz and asia next 🥺preciselyasia/aus/nz don’t forget to get ur vip tix so we can hang out before the best show of ur entire life !!!“i’m so happy” music video out now ! directed & edited by myself <3 this past year has been so cathartic and seeing so many of u listening means the world to me <33I’M SO HAPPY IS FUCKING OUT NOW!!!! loved making this one with u BENEE <3 hope you all enjoy it as much as we loved making it’M SO HAPPY OUT NOW IN SOME PLACES i love u guys enjoy it <3i’m so happy, you’re not here2 more days. PRE SAVE IF UR HOT forgot how exciting it is to put out new musici’m so 😊been almost a year since i’ve released any music. i’m so happy w/ BENEE out friday 9/16. hope you’re excited cuz its a bophi :)THAILAND AND SINGAPORE THE DATES FOR THE SHOWS ARE ANNOUNCED. I LOVE YOU CAN’T WAIT www.jeremyzuckertour.comMANILA TICKETS AND VIP ARE ON SALE NOW <3 www.jeremyzuckertour.comASIA AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL www.jeremyzuckertour.comasia, australia, nz - have a special announcement coming soon 😚JAPAN I’M COMING BACK I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE ALL YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACES;!!FBl7RhjNdtJEi0k!pi98yAjE2r83Y5XN4jpXiHuF3wR6rnVADg7v1lWZpMCmLO0Jc2rWobb...guess what💭💭💭weverse how are you?CRUSHER vinyl is now available :) pre-order here see u this fall <3 more to come soonit's a beach daywho’s hungryi need to stop using people’s real names in songs