Hello. We would like to provide some information on the online and offline sales of the Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. The Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Project will start with Season 1. (S.COUPS, JEONGHAN, JOSHUA, and JUN) and continue in series onto Season 2. and Season 3. until 2024. The Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. is to open this coming September. Please refer to the notice below for a more detailed timeline. [Offline] Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. POP-UP - Operating Period: From Friday, September 1 to Sunday, September 10, 2023 - Operating Hours: Mon ~ Thu : 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM (KST) Fri ~ Sun : 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM (KST) - Location: Shinsegae Gangnam, 176, Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul - Floor Information: 1F Showroom (THE STAGE) & B1F Merch. Shop (FAMILLE STREET) 1F Showroom (THE STAGE) features an exhibition of products created by the artists for the Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. and an experiential space where visitors can enjoy various content. The products displayed at 1F Showroom (THE STAGE) can be purchased at B1F Merch. Shop (FAMILLE STREET). A detailed notice for the offline operation will be announced at a later date. [Online] - Sales Announcement: 6:00 PM, Tuesday, September 12, 2023 (KST) - Sales Open: 6:00 PM, Wednesday, September 13, 2023 (KST) - As the shipping schedules vary for each regional retailer, please check the Weverse Shop notice for detailed information on the respective retailers at a later date. - Due to the nature of perfume items, PULSE-PAUSE PERFUME DIY KIT will only be sold at WEVERSE GLOBAL SHOP (South Korea shipping only) and USA SHOP (US shipping only) in accordance with overseas air transport regulations and sales laws, and will not be sold at JAPAN SHOP. More detailed information will be announced shortly through the Weverse Shop notice. Thank you. ---- 안녕하세요. Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. 온라인/오프라인 판매 관련 안내드립니다. Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN 프로젝트는 Season 1. (에스쿱스/정한/조슈아/준) 을 시작으로 2024년까지 Season 2. 와 Season 3. 로 이어질 예정입니다. Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. 은 2023년 9월 출시 예정이며 상세 일정은 하기 내용을 참고 부탁드립니다. [오프라인] Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. POP-UP - 운영 기간: 2023. 9.1(금) ~ 2023. 9.10(일) - 운영 시간: 월~목 10:30 ~ 20:00 , 금~일 10:30 ~ 20:30 (KST) - 장소: 서울 서초구 신반포로 176, 신세계백화점 강남점 - 층별 안내 : 1F Showroom(더 스테이지), B1F Merch. Shop (파미에스트리트) 1F Showroom(더 스테이지)은 아티스트가 직접 기획한 Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. 상품의 전시와 함께 다양한 콘텐츠를 즐길 수 있는 체험 공간으로 구성되어 있습니다. 1F Showroom(더 스테이지)에 전시된 상품은 B1F Merch. Shop(파미에스트리트)에서 구매하실 수 있습니다. 오프라인 운영에 대한 자세한 공지문은 별도 안내 예정입니다. [온라인] - 판매 공지: 2023. 9.12(화) 18:00 (KST) - 판매 오픈: 2023. 9.13(수) 18:00 (KST) - 배송일정은 각 권역 판매처 별로 상이합니다. - PULSE-PAUSE PERFUME DIY KIT 상품은 향수 품목 특성상 해외 항공 운송 규정 및 판매 법에 따라 GLOBAL샵(대한민국 배송 전용), USA샵(미국권역 배송 전용) 판매만 진행되며, JAPAN샵에서는 판매되지 않습니다. 보다 상세한 내용은 추후 각 판매처의 위버스샵 공지를 통해 안내될 예정입니다. 감사합니다. ---- こんにちは。 Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. オンライン/オフライン販売についてご案内いたします。 Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN プロジェクトは、Season 1. (S.COUPS/JEONGHAN/JOSHUA/JUN) をはじめとし、2024年までにSeason 2.およびSeason 3.と続く予定です。 Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1.は、2023年9月発売予定です。詳しい日程は下記の内容をご確認ください。 [オフライン] Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. POP-UP - 運営期間:2023.9.1(金)~ 2023.9.10(日) - 運営時間: 月~木 10:30 ~ 20:00、金~日 10:30 ~ 20:30 (KST) - 場所:ソウル市瑞草区新盤浦路176、韓国新世界百貨店 江南店 - フロア案内:1F Showroom(THE STAGE)、B1F Merch. Shop (FAMILLE STREET) 1F Showroom(THE STAGE)は、アーティストが直接企画したArtist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1.商品の展示とともに多様なコンテンツを体験できる空間となっております。 1F Showroom(THE STAGE)に展示されている商品は、B1F Merch. Shop (FAMILLE STREET)にてご購入いただけます。 オフライン運営に関するお知らせの詳細は、後日別途ご案内予定です。 [オンライン] - 販売のお知らせ:2023.9.12(火)18:00 (KST) - 販売オープン:2023.9.13(水)18:00 (KST) - 配送スケジュールは各地の販売先によって異なりますので、詳細は後日ご案内する各販売先のWeverse Shopのお知らせからご確認ください。 - PULSE-PAUSE PERFUME DIY KIT商品は香水品目の特性上、海外航空運送規定及び販売法に基づきGLOBALショップ(大韓民国配送専用)、USAショップ(アメリカ圏域配送専用)販売のみ行っており、JAPANショップでは販売しておりません。 詳細については、後日各販売先のWeverseショップお知らせを通じてご案内する予定です。 ありがとうございます。 ---- 大家好。 以下是Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1.线上/线下销售指南。 Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN项目将以Season 1.(S.COUPS/JEONGHAN/JOSHUA/JUN)为开始,后续推出Season 2.、Season 3.,时间将持续至2024年。 Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1.将于2023年9月上市,详情请参考下方内容。 [线下] Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1. POP-UP - 运营期间:2023.9.1(周五)~2023.9.10(周日) - 运营时间:周一~周四:10:30~20:00,周五~周日:10:30~20:30 (KST) - 地点:首尔瑞草区新盘浦路176,韩国新世界百货江南店 - 楼层指南:1层 Showroom(THE STAGE),地下1层 Merch.Shop(FAMILLE STREET) 1层 Showroom(THE STAGE)将展示艺人亲自企划的Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN Season 1.商品,还将有丰富多样的内容供大家体验。 1层 Showroom(THE STAGE)所展示的商品可于地下1层 Merch.Shop(FAMILLE STREET)购买。 关于线下运营的详情,将另行发布相应公告。 [线上] - 销售公告:2023.9.12(周二) 18:00(KST) - 销售开启:2023.9.13(周三) 18:00(KST) - 根据各地区销售处,配送日程将有所不同。详情请参考今后发布的各销售处Weverse Shop公告。 - PULSE-PAUSE PERFUME DIY KIT商品因香水品种的特性,根据海外航空运输规定及销售法,只销售在GLOBAL店(韩国配送专用)、USA店(美国区域配送专用),不销售在JAPAN店。 更详细的内容将在事后通过各销售处的Weverse店公告进行介绍。 谢谢。