YOASOBI社群貼文 - 多謝大家嚟到我地第一次嘅香港專場演唱會! 我地係舞台上直接感受到大家嘅熱情同愛! 同時感謝大家帶比我地難忘嘅一晚! 希望可以再次同大家見面!
2024 年 12 月 26 日
多謝大家嚟到我地第一次嘅香港專場演唱會! 我地係舞台上直接感受到大家嘅熱情同愛! 同時感謝大家帶比我地難忘嘅一晚! 希望可以再次同大家見面!
Thank you for Day 2 of the Korea concert! We were able to create the best harmony with AKMU! We will never forget the passionate cheers of 26,000 people over the two days. We hope to see you again!
Asia Tour Day 1 in Korea! We had the perfect start to the tour. We also had a wonderful time with our special guest, NewJeans! Thank you to everyone who came to the show!
YOASOBI ASIA TOUR 2024-2025 in SEOUL ticket sales today!!!! 2024.12.7(sat)-8(sun) INSPIRE ARENA DOORS 16:30 / START 18:30 Ticket▶︎ 9/6(Fri)20:00~ LIVET https://to.livet.one/YASB2024
YOASOBI 5 週年圓頂現場“超現實” 2024.10.26-27 京瓷巨蛋(大阪) 2024.11.9-10 東京巨蛋(東京)
YOASOBI新曲《UNDEAD》今日發行! 動畫《物語系列 Off & Monster Season》主題曲 https://orcd.co/yoasobi_undead ▼ 原作小說 西尾維新創作短篇《撫子過去》和《忍未來》 https://www.monogatari-series.com/oms/special/novel/
NewJeansファンミーティング Bunnies Campありがとうございました!
いよいよ明日6/15(土)! 『AliExpress 2024 Weverse Con Festival』 生配信チケットは下記よりお求めいただけます。ぜひご覧ください! #YOASOBI #WeverseConFestival #AliExpress #2024WECONFE https://shop.weverse.io/ja/shop/JP_JPY/artists/114/notices/5...
こんにちは!YOASOBIの公式X(Twitter)、Instagram、TikTok等の担当をしているスタッフYです!こちらでも皆さまと仲良くできたら嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします! (写真はSF公演オフショット) X(Twitter) https://x.com/YOASOBI_staff Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yoasobi_staff_/...
Hello, everyone! We are YOASOBI! YOASOBI weverse community is now open. YOASOBI wants to communicate with you a lot on weverse. Let's have fun together! Use the hashtag #HI_YOASOBI to say hello to eac...