2025 年 2 月 28 日


✨TREASURE SPECIAL MINI ALBUM [PLEASURE] ‘YELLOW' Title Poster已公开!✨ 在TREASURE MAKER心中犹如春天般到来的 ‘YELLOW’是一首怎样的歌曲呢? 💛充满悸动的歌曲? 💛清凉爆棚的歌曲? 💛还是情感滋润的歌曲呢? TREASURE MAKER们发动直觉!🔎 与 #TREASURE_YELLOW 主题标签一起 尽情地...💎 2025 TREASURE FAN CONCERT [SPECIAL MOMENT] IN SEOUL PRESALES OPEN 💎 트레저 메이커 여러분! 2025 TREASURE FAN CONCERT [SPECIAL MOMENT] IN SEOUL 선예매가 열렸습니다! 트메 꽃 피는 3월 서울에서 트레저와 만나요! 🌸 📢 선예매 오픈 및 공연 안내 📍 예...🔐 TREASURE MAKER MEMBERSHIP KIT PREVIEW 🔐 NEW版本的TREASURE MAKER会员套件闪亮登场🥁 据悉,此次会员套件包含向TREASURE MAKER 最!初!公!开!的概念和形象照!✨ 🤫 嘘,,, TREASURE MAKER! 从现在开始,我要偷偷告诉大家一个只向TREASURE MAKER公开的一级秘密! 考虑到TREASURE MAK...💎 2025 TREASURE FAN CONCERT [SPECIAL MOMENT] IN SEOUL COMING SOON 💎 2025 TREASURE FAN CONCERT [SPECIAL MOMENT] IN SEOUL粉丝演唱会即将举办! 想要与TREASURE一起创造SPECIAL MOMENT的TREASURE MAKER们请确认以下内容! *详细提前预订程序请确认We...🌟 TREASURE -‘LAST NIGHT’ M/V OUT NOW 🌟 TREASURE is back with the fresh and exciting ‘LAST NIGHT’! Have all you TEUMES checked out the ‘LAST NIGHT’ M/V filled with their new vibes? 👀 Tonight’s agend...🌌 TREASURE - ‘LAST NIGHT’ COMING SOON 🌌 🔍TREASURE回归迹象 🔍 1) 星星与月亮 ⭐️🌙 2) 罗密欧与朱丽叶 💘 3) 夜空 🌃 4) 月光下LAST DANCE 🕺 如果是机敏的TREASURE MAKER不会不知道 TREASURE的 🌟星星🌟 各种剧透! 希望TREASURE MAKER的冬天能更温暖一些 TREASURE...GOOD BYE 2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] 👋 2023年的冬天☃️ 从首尔开始的[REBOOT]演唱会 2024年的夏天☀️ 重新回到首尔举办的[REBOOT] FINAL IN SEOUL演唱会! 已经过去了三个季节,这段时间TREASURE,还有TREASURE MAKER 更加成长后再次相聚,迎来了我们最后的[REBOOT]演唱会! TREASU...🩵2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] FINAL IN SEOUL D-DAY🩵 欢迎各位TREASURE MAKER来参加充满乐趣的TREASURE演唱会!🎡 天气很热,先喝点水💦 现在就介绍专为TREASURE MAKER准备的活动! 📍 Weverse Membership BOOTH ✦ 何时? - 1点演唱会:上午9点 ~ 下午12点30分为止(...2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] FINAL IN SEOUL D-1 一眨眼👀的功夫,已经近在眼前👃的[REBOOT] FINAL IN SEOUL! 为了愉快地观看演出,TREASURE MAKER们一起来收拾行李吧! 🎒 GET READY WITH TEUME 🎒 ㅁ 为了TREASURE MAKER补充水分、补充能量的凉爽的水 💧 ㅁ 帽子、阳...TRE4SURE 4NNIVERSARY 2024 #TRE4SURE_4NNIVERSARY_2024 今天是TREASURE和TREASURE MAKER一起走过4年的日子🎊 感谢4年来始终如一地关爱TREASURE的各位TREASURE MAKER! TREASURE和TREASURE MAKER今后也要4ever…💎 为了纪念一起迎接的第四个夏天, 享受着TREASURE为TREASU...🏁 GOOD BYE 2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] 🏁 2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT]亚洲巡演之旅落下了帷幕! 在每一个幸福、激动、感动的瞬间 TREASURE和TREASURE MAKER陪伴在一起,让这次巡演变得更加有意义✨ 2024年亚洲巡演虽然结束了,但是TREASURE从现在开始! 为今后以更加帅气的表演和活动...🏁 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] IN JAKARTA 🏁 The final leg of the TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] is upon us with the Jakarta performance! TREASURE is ready to pour out 807% of their energy for the long...💎2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] FINAL IN SEOUL MEMBERSHIP PRESALES OPEN!💎 TREASURE MAKERS! the presale for the 2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] FINAL IN SEOUL is now open! 📢 Presale Open and Sh...Now, TREASURE and TEUME have arrived in Kuala Lumpur! 📍 💎💭 Yeah my heart is like KING KONG, beating loud... 💎🎤 Holding you close, escaping to our own world... 💎🎧 Breathing your love, because th...💎 2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] FINAL IN SEOUL COMING SOON 💎 The 2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] is wrapping up with its final performance in Seoul! The [REBOOT] TOUR, brimming with precious ...🔥 ‘KING KONG’ M/V STREAMING EVENT 🔥 The KING KING M/V that makes all TEUME’s heart explode every single time! Are you all enjoying it? For all you TEUMES who just can't stop watching the KING KONG M...🔥 TREASURE ‘KING KONG’ M/V OUT NOW 🔥 The kings of performance, TREASURE, is back 🦍🌋 The TREASURE 'KING KONG' music video has just dropped! TEUMES are overwhelmed with emotions after seeing TREASUR...🦍 TREASURE 'KING KONG' COMING SOON 🦍 KING KONG M/V TEASER has made its grand entrance 💥 Attention TEUME, as each teaser is released, does your curiosity just keep growing? ⚠ Have you checked out th...🏁 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] IN BANGKOK 🏁 We've landed in BANGKOK for the third stop of the TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT]! ✈️ BANGKOK is set to be buzzing as TREASURE and TEUME will spend four fant...🔎 GUESS! TREASURE ‘KING KONG’ MOOD 🦍 Packed with the vibes of KING KONG, the CONCEPT SPOILER has dropped! Hey TEUME, have you all checked it out? Amidst the intense and dark mood, just imagine TREAS...🏁 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] IN HONG KONG 🏁 The second stop of the TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] is here in HONG KONG! 🌃 🎙️ Reporter TEUME in HONG KONG! How's the vibe over there? 💎 The exciteme...BREAKING NEWS 🗞️ The stage masters, the performance prodigies, TREASURE COMEBACK 🔥🔥 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 💎MY LOVE IS LIKE ________💎 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🏁 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] IN MANILA 🏁 The TREASURE Asia Tour kicks off! The Manila concert is just around the corner! 🎉 TEUMEs from around the globe are sprinting their way to Manila to catch ...2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT] IN MANILA, HONG KONG, BANGKOK, KUALA LUMPUR, JAKARTA FANCLUB PRESALES REGISTRATION OPEN! 🎊 Have you all checked the opening notice for 2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBO...News global TREASURE MAKER would’ve been waiting for! The ‘2024 TREASURE RELAY TOUR [REBOOT]’ is just around the corner 🎉 Anyone who has a TREASURE MAKER MEMBERSHIP can register for the 2024 TREASURE...Thanks to all the TREASURE MAKERS, TREASURE's 2023 [REBOOT] IN SEOUL concert concluded splendidly, safely, and perfectly! TEUMES, how are your energy and hearts holding up? I just woke up after moment...TREASURE [REBOOT] IN SEOUL Check List ✅ Finally, the long-awaited Reboot Concert! For TEUMES who were too excited to sleep, in order to enjoy the Reboot Concert twice, no, ten times more, make sure no...✨TREASURE [REBOOT] IN SEOUL MEMBERSHIP BOOTH & TEU-BINGO EVENT✨ The stage is for TREASURE to tear up💥 Who's up for bingo?🤷‍♀️ Before the concert starts, for TREASURE MAKERS who want to feel the hot ...WELCOME December⛄️ The month of concerts has dawned! No more delays... It's time for TEUME to train in cheering 🧑‍🏫 In preparation for the upcoming Seoul concert, try solving these FAN CHANT quizzes...Attention, TREASURE MAKERS! The TREASURE concert is now less than a month away!! While we all eagerly count down every minute and second to see TREASURE, let's keep our spirits high. How about we get ...TREASURE's <B.O.M.B> PERFORMANCE VIDEO OUT NOW! Can you hear TREASURE’s heartbeat?🫀 TEUME, if you can hear TREASURE's heartbeat, draw a circle above your head! 💘🙆‍♀️🙆🙆‍♂️🙆‍♀️🙆🙆‍♂️🙆‍♀️🙆🙆‍♂️...TREASURE's <B.O.M.B> COMING SOON! 🔉 Boom, ba-ra-bi-bomb, bomb! Heads up, TEUME! TREASURE is rolling in with their love song B.O.M.B right to your doorstep! 💌 Rumor has it, B.O.M.B is back and it's m...💎2023 TREASURE CONCERT [REBOOT] IN SEOUL MEMBERSHIP PRESALES OPEN!💎 Dear TREASURE MAKERS 😎, The first step to meet TREASURE, the 2023 TREASURE CONCERT [REBOOT] IN SEOUL presale is now open! ✅ Presa...News for all TREASURE MAKERS who are waiting for the 2023 TREASURE CONCERT [REBOOT] IN SEOUL! If you are a TREASURE MAKER MEMBERSHIP member, anyone can apply for membership presale for the 2023 TREASU...💎 2023 TREASURE CONCERT [REBOOT] IN SEOUL 💎 TREASURE returned with their second full album REBOOT in July, packed with their diverse charms and upgraded skills. They’re now coming to meet TEUMES wit...TREASURE 3rd ANNIVERSARY🎉 #TR3ASURE_ANNIV3RSARY_2023💎 August 7th marks the day when TREASURE and TEUME's journey began💙 TREASURE has now reached its 3rd debut anniversary! Thank you to all TREASURE...TREASURE ‘REBOOT’ POP-UP STORE To deliver the live atmosphere of the site to TEUMEs, we've dashed to the pop-up store!🏃‍♂️💨 📍 LOTTE WORLD MALL 1F ATRIUM 📅 2023.8.1(TUE) - 2023.8.7(MON) ⏰ 10:30 - 2...TREASURE 2ND FULL ALBUM ‘REBOOT’ POP-UP STORE OPEN No matter where you go, the summer sun is sizzling 🌞🔥 Why not go to TREASURE's POP-UP STORE and have fun~?👇😎💎 In celebration of the release of T...TREASURE 2ND FULL ALBUM [REBOOT] NOW RELEASED! Finally unveiling the mystery behind Chak Chak Chak Chak Cha-ja Jak Cha Jak!🫡 ✨ 💎TREASURE - ‘BONA BONA’ 💎✨ BONA here BONA there! No matter how many...TREASURE 2ND FULL ALBUM [REBOOT] COMING SOON! For this summer that TREASURE is preparing for you, all you need are 🎧 headphones and 🍉 watermelon to chill 😎 We've been busy with lots of SPOILER vid...T5 <MOVE> STREAMING NOW! #T5_MOVE_MV_Out_Now I was utterly shocked by the dance practice video, but the music video almost took my breath away…🫢 After watching the MV once 😳 and the dance video onc...TREASURE T5 <MOVE> NOW REVEALED! #TREASURE_T5_DANCEMOVE “TEUME, are you a T?” It's not the 'T' from MBTI, nor ‘PreTTy’, ‘CuTie’, not a ‘T-shirt’ nor a Telecom company, it's the 'T' from TREASURE, yes,...💎2023 TREASURE TOUR [HELLO] IN HONG KONG HELLO HONG KONG👋 TREASURE has arrived in HONG KONG to meet TEUME! ✈️ 2023 TREASURE TOUR [HELLO] At the final destination of the long journey, HONG KONG, TREA...