
2025年3月5日(周三)🌥️ 上周周末,在菲律宾布拉干举办了吸血鬼王子们的世界巡演“WALK THE LINE”。 露天STADIUM的天空上一只只蝙蝠在来回盘旋, (吸血鬼世界观里蝙蝠老师们的登场…🦇) ENHYPEN一登场,立刻爆发出一片震耳欲聋的欢呼声。 布拉干“WALK THE LINE”的那一瞬间应该会深深刻在我的记忆里。 对了,菲律宾ENGENE的应援法也真的太绝了(posit...╔══════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*══════╗ [‘엔하이픈’님이 ‘엔진’님을 초대했습니다] ╚══════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*══════╝ *본 게시물은 추후 EN-BOARD 계정에서 다시 보실 수 있습니다🤗╭───────────────────.★..─╮ 2/8(周六)15点30分 ENHYPEN将作为DJ访问Weverse聊天室 欢迎各位ENGENE 来到Weverse多多参与 (0/1090100000) ╰─..★.───────────────────╯2025年1月27日(周一)🌨️ 我许下了新年的第一个愿望。 “请让我在2025年1月26日的大阪京瓷巨蛋演出开始前瞬间移动吧🙏🏻” 不过,埼玉和福冈的演出也非常棒,如果可以的话,能不能再答应我两个愿望呢… 被评为这次演出感觉超棒时刻的Future Perfect (Pass the MIC)表演,真是让人兴奋到起鸡皮疙瘩。ENHYPEN魄力炸裂,明明是ENHYPEN宝宝们,什么时候长这...#돌박이픈왔다 #달콤하고행복한Daydream이었지 #ROMANCE_UNTOLD_daydream #NoDoubt #의심없이_ILOVEYOU❣️ #ENHYPENGENE🩷#ROMANCE_UNTOLD_daydream #NoDoubt #의심없이_ILOVEYOU❣️#ENHYPENGENE🩷 #HAPPY_JAKE_DAY!🎂✅ 회의 시간 사우님들의 빠른 참석 부탁드립니다 🦇💨 📋 11월 11일 (월) 오후 8시 ➡️ ENHYPEN Weverse Live ROMANCE : UNTOLD -daydream- COMEBACK LIVE #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #ROMANCE_UNTOLD_daydream2024年10月7日(周一)🌞 从前前前世就开始等待的WALK THE LINE巡演终于开始了。 揭开新巡演序幕的高阳演出,真的非同凡响。 在广阔的天空下,一同唱歌跳舞的ENHYPEN和ENGENE的脸上都洋溢着幸福。 感觉自己仿佛进入了电影中的场景,甚至一度落泪🥲 也许这就是户外演出的魅力吧。 还能听到让我们倍感幸福的夏天正规2辑的歌曲,真的很开心。首次公开的《Moonstruck》舞台也很...绝对的力量,为了那股力量而奔跑。即使太阳太过刺眼,让我看不到前方,但为了到达约定的地点,为了完成我们的未来,最重要的是,为了守护你。你相信我,予以我力量,自你咬到我的那一瞬间,就已渗透进我的心间。但是,就像季节把绿色碾碎一样,爱情变成贪欲,抹去自我,自私将你的自我抹去,把自己困于深海般的废墟之中…查看更多 ENGENE🥹 从2023年7月29日的FATE IN SEOUL开始, 直到FATE P...[快讯] 震惊!流汗的吸血鬼现身雅加达,竟是因为ENGENE们的热情?! 众所周知,吸血鬼的体温比人类低。然而,上周末七名流汗的吸血鬼现身,引起了全世界的关注。被称为ENHYPEN的他们,在世界巡演期间到访印尼雅加达,竟然像要被当地ENGENE们的热情烫伤 hotter而流汗⋯(省略) ENHYPEN WORLD TOUR 'FATE PLUS' 雅加达演出, EN-BOARD当然不能错过! ...#ENHYPENGENE🩷 #경축위버스천만돌파🎉 #Highway1009타고2천만까지 #이젠엔하이픈만믿고따라와😘#ENHYPENGENE🩷#ENHYPEN_XO #OnlyIfYouSayYes #다시또만나XO👄 #조금만기다려줘요😉 #We_will_be_back_soon🫰🏻 #Secrets_that_I_share_only_with_you #ROMANCE_UNTOLD#ENHYPENGENE🩷 #ENHYPEN_XO #OnlyIfYouSayYes #행복했어요🫶🏻 #Mwah👄 #Secrets_that_I_share_only_with_you #ROMANCE_UNTOLD#ENHYPENGENE🩷 #행복한1주차끝 #엔진어땠어요⁉️ #Secrets_that_I_share_only_with_you #ROMANCE_UNTOLD#Secrets_that_I_share_only_with_you #ROMANCE_UNTOLD#Secrets_that_I_share_only_with_you #ROMANCE_UNTOLD现在Weverse Con Festival也结束了,接下来就是 #컴백온다 #큰거온다 #엔진많관부🩷 #🗝️ENGENE们,心脏还在跳动吗?🩷 (大概是看过M Countdown 《Fatal Trouble》舞台的意思👀) 不是,我们吸血鬼王子们为何如此致命呢… 剧透精灵们的剧透,说的全都没错… *参考 🐈:这次的舞蹈绝了🔥🔥 🐈⬛:哎,但是这个舞蹈… 是我们ENGENE非常喜欢的风格,有点担心反响太好了该怎么啊。如果我们ENGENE都晕倒了,那可怎么是好,真是担心呀。感觉得在脚底下铺着...⋆˚ ☾˖°⋆⭒˚。 ‧₊˚ ⭒ ˚˖°⋆🦇 뱀파이어 기사인 내가, 이 세계에선 스파이?ˀ.ᐟ DARK MOON X ENHYPEN 5월 13일 (월) 밤 10시 DARK MOON SPECIAL ALBUM <MEMORABILIA> UNBOXING LIVE #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #DARKMOON #MEMORABILIA啊啊,麦克风测试 📢 ENGENE,有在看吗? ENHYPEN WORLD TOUR ‘FATE PLUS’ IN US结束后 为了抚慰不得不强制跳入现实生活…的ENGENE们 疲惫的内心,EN-BOARD来了😘 从阿纳海姆开始,到奥克兰、塔科马、罗斯蒙特,再到贝尔蒙特公园, ENGENE们的心脏曾在这五座城市熊熊燃烧过吧? (要永远燃烧…永远) 特别是出道后第一次到访JAY的故乡,*西雅图!...ENGENE!! Wow, I can’t believe it. I’ve been counting down the days until the FATE PLUS IN SEOUL... How in the world did three days pass so quickly?! 💌 A burning love from ENHYPEN for ENGENE, who came...(Wiping away the tears) I don’t want to let you go... Can we turn back the clock? Even if bills pile up, I don’t mind (🙄🥲😇) Please let this tour never come to an end... As I watched the concert in ...Knock, knock! Any ENGENE out there who’s been waiting for the Macau episode of #엔진로그_FATE by EN-BOARD? As for me, I watch #엔진로그_FATE many times a day 😆 Your excitement and joys and your love for ENHY...ENGENE!! Can you believe the FATE IN ASIA tour is halfway through already? 🥲 Why does time fly so fast...?! (Come and bite me... so I can live 300 years like you...) #엔진로그_FATE already carries quite ...ENGENE!! 👋 The ENGENE-loG series have been receiving a lot of love recently among ENGENE and ENHYPEN members. So we prepared something! We’re going to document the day-to-day of EN-BOARD throughou...NHPN R T FT US TR... That’s it. I can’t imagine my life without ENHYPEN anymore. They’ve become the only idol for me, period. They said they’ve been waiting since past lives, and now I want to dedicat...An ENHYPEN 🏟️stadium🏟️ concert – who can resist that? I mean, can anyone sit still at the news of their first-ever open-air concert? The sky gradually darkening, the cool breeze, and the concert's s...We thought the only masters in the world were ENHYPEN at eating up the stage but like ENHYPEN, like ENGENE! You were also the masters at singing! 🌺🌸 Enjoying the concert by giving each other the bes...After experiencing ENGENE’s love❤️ and energy🤍 that filled the whole Kyocera Dome, we can’t wait to see what thrilling experiences await us at Tokyo Dome! Are you ready to fill the dome once again wi...Let’s share how happy we were at the Osaka concert and how much we’re looking forward to the rest of the activities ENHYPEN will show us in Japan! I was taught that love is meant to be shown and expre...ENGENE! The Japan tour has begun! ✨ Have you been looking forward to all the fond memories we will make on this tour? Well then, make some noise~~!! 🗣️ Did you know? At this concert, you can meet ENH...📢 알려드립니다 EN-O'CLOCK ‘EN-DIARY’📓 모두 보셨나요? 한 편 보고나니 즐길 줄 아는 아이돌이 뭔지 엔하이픈이 제대로 보여줄 것 같은데요, 😎 놓칠 수 없는 순간을 담은 ‘EN-DIARY’의 비하인드 사진은 새로운 모습으로 공개할 예정입니다. 재밌는 순간 가득 담아 만날 비하인드 사진은 조금만⏳ 기다려주세요. 기다림이 아쉽다면! ...It’s unbelievable how our favorite group always manages to grow and improve...✨ The concert was more beautiful thanks to ENGENE with all their chanting, even through the encore, and the gleaming flash...ENHYPEN WORLD TOUR 'FATE' IN SEOUL 🤍🖤 D-DAY! 🖤🤍 See you soon at the concert!!! We’ll be looking forward to cheer and support from ENGENE! 🫶 #EN_WORLDTOUR_FATE #FATE_IN_SEOULENGENE! The SEOUL concert is next week! 🎶 Not only will it be a treat to our eyes and ears, but the thought of jumping up and down as we sing along makes me want to close my eyes and wake up on the d...It feels like just yesterday we had the showcase with ENGENE, and we’ve been running around busy ever since. But how is it already the last music show? 😢 The promotions passed by in a flash, perhaps ...From the day the trailer that was movie whispered Bite Me to now, every time I saw it, I thought, "this works!", "this would work!" If you write the first half of 2023 in one sentence, this is it. "Ju...➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🚨URGENT🚨 ENHYPEN Masters, the “Red Night” is about to begin. Please gather at Weverse immediately. We will unpack the stories you have been direly waiting for day and night, exclusive to you...Selected by EN-BOARD, the most wanted idol band fans want to go see flowers with this spring 🌸ENHYPEN🌸 ENGENE, how are you enjoying this beautiful spring? The stories up until today are shared one b...Following Bangkok, the concerts in Manila that heated ENGENE's heart for three days ended! 👏 If we felt excited and nervous together at the start of the tour, Now we know for sure what it is to fill ...We arrived in Manila, the last place of our Asia tour! 🇵🇭 I'm really looking forward to the performance that will be filled with the shouts of ENGENE, who has max love🧡 and passion. 🔥 Are you read...Today, I've decided to become a fan of ENGENE🧡 and ENHYPEN🖤. No, I am a fan already. I went through some denial period of becoming an ENGENE fan during the world tour, but I'll admit it now. 😘 They...This is the EN-BOARD on the first day of the Asia Tour, bringing you news from Bangkok! 🗣️ We've been swamped since early morning to prepare the venue for many ENGENEs to join. The anticipation for a...You may still feel the passion💗 of the Kyocera Dome concert in your heart. But it's time to move on to the Asia Tour, still with that passion in our hearts. All ENGENEs in Thailand🇹🇭 and ENGENEs on...Did you all passionately have fun enjoying the concert at the Kyocera Dome? 🔥 That sensation that overwhelms your heart all of a sudden. That must be because of DOME-HYPEN, right? 🧡 I am sure every ...I’ve arrived at that venue, which made the start of 2023 exciting! Kyocera Dome! As I see the dome in person, now I understand why people were so excited about this dome concert! 👍 I’m an ENGENE! Tha...If you wanted to be a part of the heart-pounding experience at the event venue but couldn't make it all the way to Osaka, how about watching it in the cinema via Live Viewing? 🎞️ Feel the thrill of e...How is my new year's resolution coming along? 🤔 My goal for this year is to fill 2023 with fun and happy memories with ENHYPEN! Then, happiness and passion will naturally follow. The first thing amon...From the Blessed-Cursed🍷🎇 comeback that opened up the new year to Future Perfect (Pass the MIC)🎤🧡, the world tour🗺️, and even End-Of-The-Year-HYPEN! ✨ ENHYPEN gifted every moment of 2022 with ha...🌟 10 DAYS ENHYPEN CHALLENGE! 🌟 2022 was filled with lots of precious memories for all of us, so let’s see ENGENE’s hearts full of passion and full of love through a 10-day ENHYPEN challenge! ❤️ [12/...We began November with the beginning of the JAPAN tour, but can you believe it’s almost halfway over? They say there are no two performances that are the same, but there’s also no other concert tour t...When you see ENHYPEN on stage, can’t you just see how much they love ENGENE? You can tell from their expressions. One moment, they have performance-ready eyes🔥⚡️ to give their best performance, and t...ENHYPEN’s first US tour that made global ENGENE excited every day has come to an end! 👏 If I were to put this US tour in one sentence, I think I could say that it was a time that made me see how seri...Have you heard the news that ENHYPEN captivated Anaheim's heart? We all believed in ENHYPEN. 👍 We knew they would shine. ✨ ENHYPEN's world tour will continue, which starts in Seoul and will accelerat...That’s a wrap for the beautiful and brilliant first concert in Seoul! 👏👏 There sure was a reason why ENHYPEN said ENGENE should look forward to it. EN-BOARD really got to experience what it feels li...I was wondering why I woke up before my alarm went off today, but then I realized what day it is. The first concert that I’ve been waiting for a long time!! ✨ I couldn’t just sit around when I'm this ...The day of the first concert seemed like it would never come, but it’s finally just around the corner! Ticket? Check. ENGENE Light Stick? Check. Pack some snacks to boost your energy and prepare items...An event prepared for ENGENE who are waiting for ENHYPEN WORLD TOUR ‘MANIFESTO’! Light Sticks are always in the hands of ENGENE, who fill the concert hall. We're holding a decorating contest for those...Everyone has a favorite song🧡, right? It might be the title track or the follow-up track that burned down the stage or a b-side track that you listen to while imagining what will happen. As you watch...You're not ready to say goodbye to 🎤"MANIFESTO : DAY 1"🎤? It's been a week, but you still can't believe the last show is over? 오히려 thanks, 😏 We now have time to look back on everything. Let's look ...220804 Video Call Fansign & 220805 Fansign Event Charging complete! Thank you, ENGENE! Let’s be together for a long time 💛220731 Video Call Fansign Thank you for being with us today ❤️Testimonies of seeing the performance masters🎤, look-better-in-person ENHYPEN🧡 in real life are pouring out this July. I want to keep them for myself, but then again, I want the whole world to know ...220714 Fan-signing event 말하자면 엔진 좋아 🧡220706 Fan-signing event The first fan-signing event with a lot of people! Thank you for coming! ❤️EN-BOARD has decided. EN-BOARD from yesterday is no longer here. 👊 Instead of what the world chose me to be, I’ve now decided to do what I want and be who I want to be. I’m going to break free from ...COME🎊ENHYPEN MANIFESTO : DAY 1 🎊BACK 덤벼 덤벼!! 🎤🎤드루와 드루와!! 🎤🎤 This comeback is legendary!! Is it even possible to stay still while listening to this song? Nope! EN-BOARD’s brake pedal’s gone wron...First music show with OT7, the mini fan meeting and a small birthday party🎂! Do you remember that hot but perfect day? It still feels like a dream even when I’m seeing the photos. (ENHYPEN is real! I...Let’s find out about Weverse Albums, a new way to enjoy ENHYPEN’s music! 💡 We prepared a Best 5 Q&A with questions you’d be most curious about! Read them below to quench your curiosity and enjoy a sp...📢Calling all ENGENE🗣 #ENHYPEN_is_calling_ENGENE The news we’ve all been waiting for! ENHYPEN! They’re making a comeback! ENGENE, who have been watching content to fill the void that is their hiatus ...📺 EN- O' CLOCK EP.41🕘 is now available (Released Thursday, June 9th, 9 PM KST) Watch with Weverse! ※To develop more content for ENGENE to enjoy, EN-O'CLOCK will be taking a short temporary break! We...Heeseung received the extra points for the "Employee of the Month"📈 with his creative PPT!📈 And the training session for the new employees at RNB Co., Ltd. is getting intense🔥 With the final select...📺 EN- O' CLOCK EP.40🕘 is now available (Released Thursday, June 2nd, 9 PM KST) Watch with Weverse!It feels like yesterday(?) when the members worked part-time at the cafe☕ But now they became new full-time employees at RNB Co., Ltd.! 🏢 What shall we do to work in the same team with the ENHYPEN m...📺 EN- O' CLOCK EP.39🕘 is now available (Released Thursday, May 26th, 9 PM KST) Watch with Weverse!ENHYPEN's cafe challenge has begun💦 after familiarizing themselves with high-level recipes and preparing for the hall..👀 Thanks to the members' perfect teamwork and training, EN-CAFE could end up be...📺 EN- O' CLOCK EP.38🕘 is now available (Released Thursday, May 19th, 9 PM KST) Watch with Weverse!🎉EN-CAFE OPENING CELEBRATION🎉 Where is this cafe with the super cool baristas..?!🔍 Coffee made by ENHYPEN..☕ We really really want to try this⭐ Just like a morning coffee or sweet drink🥤 EN-O'CLOC...📺 EN- O' CLOCK EP.37🕘 is now available (Released Thursday, May 12nd, 9 PM KST) Watch with Weverse!After last week's special training, the members' confidence has shot up Nighttime is finally here for the mafia..🌃 Time for the real game! To find the real mafia🧐 under these puzzling circumstances ...📺 EN- O' CLOCK EP.36🕘 is now available (Released Thursday, May 5th, 9 PM KST) Watch with Weverse!next page